Get multiple records in MySQL Database by number of occurrences
If you have problem remembering all abbreviations of U.S. States, use the query below to get data from MySQL Database. In MySQL DB, you must have a state table that include id, state_full_name, state_abbreviation and all records. You must have a table of all users containing some records. The example below are from my own DB, the names of the 2 tables are tblstates and tbluserdetails.
select s.State_name, c.state_name,
count(c.state_name) as NumberOccurrences
from tblstates s, tbluserdetails c
where s.State_Abrv = c.state_name
group by c.state_name
having ( count(c.state_name) > 1 );
The screenshot below is the results from the query above.