CSS fixes for IE browser
This is the CSS3 that can be added to stylesheet to fix styling in IE browser of all versions. /***** Attribute ******/ /* IE6 */ #once { _color: blue } /* IE6, IE7 */ #doce { *color: blue; /* or #color: blue */ } /* Everything but IE6 */ #diecisiete { color/**/: blue } /* IE6, IE7, IE8, but also IE9 in some cases 🙁 */ #diecinueve { color: blue\9; } /* IE7, IE8 */ #veinte { color/*\**/: blue\9; } /* IE6, IE7 — acts…
Overwrite Inline Styles with your CSS
Usually we think of inline styles as a way to overwrite styles we set up in the CSS file. 99% of the time, this is the case, and it’s very handy. But there are some circumstances where you need to do it the other way around. As in SugarCRM, WordPress, Joomla, there are inline styles on some markup that you absolutely can’t remove, but you need to overwrite what those styles are. This could be markup that is being inserted onto the page from foreign…
X-Cart Payment with AuthorizeNet CIM
My instruction here is for PHP/ X-Cart developer only. Some businesses may already have customer credit card information thru AuthorizeNet CIM system. All you’ll do is adding some files and functions to charge the existing credit card instead of asking customers to enter credit card information again on every purchase. Here’re some steps to follow to integrate CIM in your X-Cart. Step 1: Register with AuthorizeNet the CIM feature. It may cost a little monthly fee by Authorize.Net. Step 2: FTP to your server. Go…
How to display Prev/Next buttons on a Nivo slider when MouseOver
Most of slider effects will display the Prev/Next buttons by default once you open the page that contain a slider effect. Whether you build a slider for a CMS or a shopping cart or a regular HTML page, you can be able to change the codes in CSS and slider block on your HTML page. Here’s how you do it. Open the CSS file that supports the slider, add a style for the Prev/Next layer. Hide the layer on display first. .parent .navigation-links { display:none;…
X-Monitoring for X-Cart is the must have
Yesterday I re-installed X-Cart Gold for 1 of my customers and the Apache server keeps failing over the last night while we were asleep. If X-Monitoring wasn’t enabled in X-Cart Admin module settings, we could have never found out that our server was down last night. X-Monitoring was a built-in module in X-Cart package when you pay for the license, you can log in to Admin area and turn it on or off. I’d recommend you leave it on by default. By the way, during…