Using Lodash in arrays, objects in React-Native development

Why Lodash? It provides various built-in functions for arrays, collections, manipulated objects, and other utility methods that we can use directly instead of writing them from scratch. It makes it easier to iterate over the arrays, strings as well as objects.

With Array Functionalities

Lodash provides a set of functions to manipulate arrays, including sorting, filtering, slicing, and transforming arrays. These methods help in efficiently handling array operations.

const _ = require(“lodash”);
const users = [
{ id: 1, name: ‘Dave’ },
{ id: 2, name: ‘Jane’ },
{ id: 3, name: ‘Linda’ },

const user = _.find(users, { id: 2 });

The output will be: { id: 2, name: ‘Jane’ }

Some popular functionalities are:

_.chunk() Method
_.compact() Method
_.concat() Method
_.difference() Method
_.differenceBy() Method
_.differenceWith() Method
_.drop() Method
_.dropRight() Method
_.dropRightWhile() Method
_.dropWhile() Method
_.fill() Method
_.findIndex() Method
_.findLastIndex() Method
_.first() Method
_.flatten() Method
_.flattenDepth() Method
_.flattenDeep() Method
_.fromPairs() Method
_.head() Method
_.indexOf() Method

Lodash Functions

Lodash comes with utilities for function manipulation, such as currying, binding, and delaying function executions. These methods are useful for optimizing and controlling function behavior.



_.after() It creates a function that invokes func once it’s called n or more times.
_.ary() It creates a function that invokes the given function, up to n arguments, ignoring any additional arguments.
_.before() It creates a function that invokes ‘func’ with the ‘this’ binding.
_.bind() It is used to bind a function to an object.
_.bindKey() It creates a function which calls the method at the object[key] along with the partials added to the arguments.
_.curry() It returns a curried version of the given function.
_.curryRight() It returns a curried version of the given function where the given arguments are processed from right to left.
_.debounce() It creates a debounced function which delays the given func.
_.defer() It is used to defer the calling of func parameter until the recent call stack is cleared.
_.delay() It is used to call the given function as the parameter after the stated wait time is over.
_.flip() It creates a function that invokes the given func parameter with its arguments reversed.
_.memoize() It is used to memorize a given function by caching the result computed by the function.
_.negate() It creates a function that negates the result of the given predicate function.
_.once() It creates a function which can call func parameter of this method only once.
_.overArgs() It creates a function that invokes func with its arguments transformed using the given transforms function.
_.partial() It creates a function which invokes the given func with prepended partials to the arguments it receives.
_.partialRight() It create a function which invokes the given func with the appended partials to the arguments it receives.
_.rearg() It creates a function that calls func parameter with the arguments that are organized according to the stated indexes. It creates a function that calls the given func with the ‘this’ binding of the created function.
_.spread() It creates a function that calls the given function as parameter using the ‘this’ binding of the create function.
_.throttle() It creates a throttled function that can only call the func parameter maximally once per every wait milliseconds.
_.wrap() It creates a function that delivers value to the stated wrapper like its initial argument.



“id”: “caf3b9d5ce317d53”,
“description”: “Battery backup”,
“number”: “RE2303928”,
“jurisdiction”: “Berkeley”,
“type”: “Re) – electrical – 1 & 2 unit residential (building)”,
“fees”: “619.6”,
“status”: “active”,
“file_date”: “2023-10-02”,
“issue_date”: “2023-10-11”,
“final_date”: “2023-12-11”,
“construction_duration”: 61,
“approval_duration”: 9,
“contractor_id”: “KOm4dMLIuT”,
“address”: {
“street_no”: “3360”,
“street”: “DWIGHT WAY”,
“city”: “OAKLAND”,
“zip_code”: “94704”,
“state”: “CA”,
“latlng”: [
“tags”: [
“id”: “71c02bd70f7ce1c9”,
“description”: “Install 27 kwh back-up batteries in cabinet “,
“number”: “E2304692”,
“jurisdiction”: “Berkeley”,
“type”: “E) – electrical – 3+ residential units or commercial”,
“fees”: “615.06”,
“status”: “in_review”,
“file_date”: “2023-11-29”,
“construction_duration”: 154,
“approval_duration”: 204,
“address”: {
“street_no”: “544”,
“street”: “DWIGHT PL”,
“city”: “OAKLAND”,
“zip_code”: “94704”,
“state”: “CA”,
“latlng”: [
“tags”: [
“id”: “9525a96a93e0cdb7”,
“description”: “Install 27 kwh back-up batteries in cabinet”,
“number”: “B2303829”,
“jurisdiction”: “Berkeley”,
“job_value”: “5001.0”,
“type”: “B) – building alteration – 3+ residential units or commercial”,
“fees”: “779.53”,
“status”: “in_review”,
“file_date”: “2023-11-29”,
“construction_duration”: 154,
“approval_duration”: 204,
“address”: {
“street_no”: “544”,
“street”: “DWIGHT PL”,
“city”: “OAKLAND”,
“zip_code”: “94704”,
“state”: “CA”,
“latlng”: [
“tags”: [

Saturday June 1st from 10:00pm to 01:00am Sunday Morning PST

247Apps Loan XML Editor Micro Application and Licenses API Scheduled Maintenance


We will be conducting an upgrade to our Online Toolbox for Loan XML Editor Micro Application and Licenses API to provide better security, stability and speed for our clients across United States. As usual, this upgrade will occur during the hours of the morning when you are all asleep.
Starting Saturday June 1st from @ 10:00pm PST. Our scheduled window for this maintenance cycle should be under 3 hours.
We apologize for any inconvenience this disruption may cause and thank you for your patience.

Thank you,
247AppsMobi – Micro Application Services Dev Team

Sunday August 27th from 10:00pm to 01:00am Monday Morning PST

247Apps and MyNetworkSolution VPS Scheduled Maintenance


We will be conducting an upgrade to our VPS Servers to provide greater security, stability and speed for our clients across United States and Canada. As usual, this upgrade will occur during the wee hours of the morning when you are all asleep.
Starting Sunday August 27th @ 10:00pm PST. Our scheduled window for this maintenance cycle should be under 3 hours.
We apologize for any inconvenience this disruption may cause and thank you for your patience.

Thank you,
247AppsMobi – Web Services of MyNetworkSolution Dev Team

Sunday February 12th from 11:00pm to 02:00am Monday Morning PST

247Apps VPS Scheduled Maintenance


We will be conducting an upgrade to our VPS Servers to provide greater stability and speed. This upgrade will occur during the wee hours of the morning when you are all asleep.
Starting Sunday February 12 @ 11:00pm PST. Our scheduled window for this maintenance cycle should be under 3 hours.
We apologize for any inconvenience this disruption may cause and thank you for your patience.

Thank you,
247AppsMobi – Web Services of MyNetworkSolution Dev Team