Writing a trigger to generate uuid in a table

If you never had a field containing uuid before in MySQL table, now you can add a new field default is null. Then create a trigger so that every time there’s a new record inserted, the uuid will be automatically generated for that row. Here’s how you write a trigger to add uuid to a field “user_api_key” in the table “api_users” If you run into this error, make sure you don’t duplicate the trigger. This version of MySQL doesn’t yet support ‘multiple triggers with the…

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Setting up MySQL replication in V5.6.17

Setting up MySQL replication In this article the Master is and the Slave is On the Master, edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf (my.ini in Windows): 1) server-id = 126187015 # choose a unique integer 2) log_bin = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log 3) bind-address = # listen on all interfaces (by default is used) 4) binlog_do_db = mydb # replicate only the ‘mydb’ database On Windows environment: 1) server-id = 127001 # choose a unique integer 2) log_bin = C:/Documents and Settings/JohnDoe/My Documents/Application Data/MySQL/MySQL56/mysql-bin.log 3) bind-address =…

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How to insert an image to MySql database with php

A BLOB is a binary large object that can hold a variable amount of data. There’re 4 datatypes that you can select for a blob field, depending how much storage of an image you’ll need. TINYBLOB A binary large object column with a maximum length of 255 (2^8 – 1) characters. BLOB A binary large object column with a maximum length of 65535 (2^16 – 1) characters. MEDIUMBLOB A binary large object column with a maximum length of 16777215 (2^24 – 1) characters. LONGBLOB A…

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SQL Stored Procedures

Sometimes in your Database Admin career path, you’ve got to create a procedure to save your time and reduce loads of work on server. For example, everyday you need to run a report of how many customers have signed up for a newsletter, or you need to pull out a list of customers who purchased items for the past 12 hours… In these cases, you don’t want to re-write a SQL query every time; instead, you’ll create a procedure and store it in the Database…

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How to change the storage engine of a MySQL table

This post will show you how to change a storage engine of a MySQL table to another engine. 1) For SQLYog software users: select a table you want to change the storage engine, then click on Table tab, select Alter Table. Then click on Advanced Properties. You will see a dialog box as seen below, select Table type drop down box, and select an engine you wish for that specific table. 2) For PHPMyAdmin users: select database, select a table that you want to change…

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