Math Class Methods in Java

Function Description
IEEEremainder(double, double) Returns the remainder of f1 divided by f2 as defined by IEEE 754
abs(int a) Returns the absolute integer value of a
abs(long a) Returns the absolute long value of a
abs(float a) Returns the absolute float value of a
abs(double a) Returns the absolute double value of a
acos(double a) Returns the arc cosine of a, in the range of 0.0 through pi
asin(double a) Returns the arc sine of a, in the range of -pi/2 through pi/2
atan(double a) Returns the arc tangent of a, in the range of -pi/2 through pi/2
atan2(double a, double b) Converts rectangular coordinates (a, b) to polar (r, theta)
ceil(double a) Returns the “ceiling,” or smallest whole number greater than or equal to a
cos(double) Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle
exp(double a) Returns the exponential number e(2.718…) raised to the power of a
floor(double a) Returns the “floor,” or largest whole number less than or equal to a
log(double a) Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a
max(int a, int b) Takes two int values, a and b, and returns the greater of the two
max(long a, long b) Takes two long values, a and b, and returns the greater of the two
max(float a, float b) Takes two float values, a and b, and returns the greater of the two
max(double a, double b) Takes two double values, a and b, and returns the greater of the two
min(int a, int b) Takes two integer values, a and b, and returns the smaller of the two
min(long a, long b) Takes two long values, a and b, and returns the smaller of the two
min(float a, float b) Takes two float values, a and b, and returns the smaller of the two
min(double a, double b) Takes two double values, a and b, and returns the smaller of the two
pow(double a, double b) Returns the number a raised to the power of b
random() Generates a random number between 0.0 and 1.0
rint(double) Returns the closest integer to the argument, but as a floating-point number
round(float) Rounds off a float value by first adding 0.5 to it and then returning the largest integer that is less than or equal to this new value
round(double) Rounds off a double value by first adding 0.5 to it and then returning the largest integer that is less than or equal to this new value
sin(double) Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle
sqrt(double) Returns the square root of a
tan(double) Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle
toDegrees(double) Translates radians to degrees
toRadians(double) Translates degrees to radians